Sunday in the third full weekend in June from 07.00 - 14.59 UTC


Band:     432 MHz & up

Modes: CW (A1), SSB (J3E) and FM(F3E) above 1 GHz


Section A:     70cm (432MHz)

Section B:     23 cm (1,2 GHz)

Section C:     13 cm (2,3GHz)

Section D:    9 cm (3,4 GHz)

Section E:     5cm (5,7 GHz)

Section F:     3 cm (10 GHz)

Section G:    1.2 cm (24 GHz)

Section H:    6 mm (47 GHz)

Section I:      4 mm (76 GHz)

Section J:      3 mm (120 GHz)

Section K:    2 mm (136 GHz)

Section L:     1 mm (248 GHz)

General classification: Number of points, each station in section gets, is a percentage related to the section winner score (100 points for the winner). General classification is a sum of points earned in each section excluding 9cm (3,4 GHz). For participation in general classification the station must be active at least in two sections.

Remarks: No subdivision will be between single and multi-operators or fixed and portable stations in any section. One station can take part to more sections.


MULTIPLIERS: x 1 (1 point/km)



The organizers of AA contest are Austria (ÖVSV), Croatia (HRS), Italy (ARI) and Slovenia

(ZRS) as following:

2019 - ÖVSV (OE)

2020 - HRS (9A)

2021 - ARI (I)

2022 – ZRS (S5)



Participants, citizens in one of the four organizer countries must send their logs to their national contest managers. Others can upload their logs to 9A VHF/UHF/SHF contest robot http://slovhf.net/vhfmanager/index.php?ContestID=236&language=G or they can send their contest logs to any e-mail addresses listed below. All logs must be in EDI format and must be send no later than 8 days (second Monday) from the contest date.

National contest managers are obligated to send all received logs to the organizer. The death

time of sending the logs is 30.September for AA VHF and AA UHF/SHF contest

The e-mail addresses of organizers are:

AUSTRIA:       Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.

CROATIA:     Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.

ITALY:           Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.

SLOVENIA: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.

The organizer is obligated to publish the results by the end of the year. Before publishing the results the organizer is obligated to coordinate them with the national contest managers.


To judging of entries the general rules for IARU REGION 1 VHF/UHF/SHF contests are in force.


The organizer of AA contest will award a prize to the first 5 entries of each section - international results (place 1-3 plaque and place 4 - 5 certificate) and general classification.

If there are less than 10 participants in a section then the organizer will award just the winner with the plaque.

Young contester (age under 25) with the best score in Sections UHF/SHF(A) will be awarded. Participation in Young overlay category must be indicated in EDI log as shown (EDI file designator PClub=YOUNG)

AA Contest Committee/February 2020